Choose the plan that fits your needs - whether you're a cleaning business or property owner
$5.00 /month
Save $20.00
1-5 employees
Full business profile
$5.00 /month
Save $30.00
1-20 employees
Full business profile
$5.00 /month
Save $40.00
1-30 employees
Full business profile
We believe in making clean spaces accessible to everyone
Post as many cleaning requests as you need
Add as many properties as you like - we won't judge your real estate empire
Chat with cleaners without limits - we love a good conversation
All the fancy scheduling tools you need - because we're organized like that
Yes, even our amazing support team won't cost you a dime
* No hidden fees, no "premium" features, no "unlock full access" nonsense.
Just a simple, free platform to help you find your perfect cleaner.